1. Water, water, water- Obvious? Yes, but when you’re sleep-deprived and anxious, hydration is your savior.
2. GINGER TEA- Whenever I travel my stomach gets all messed up. Ginger tea is my go to. I regularly substituted it for coffee in the beginning of my trips to help ease my nerves. 3. Fresh Air- In my first few days in Ireland and the UK, I was overcome by fatigue, and I honestly felt sick to my stomach. Not because of nerves, but simply because of the time change and new environment. Sitting and walking around outside in the fresh air helped a lot!!!! 4. Fake-it-till-you-make it- There is no clear answer to jetlag. All you can do is ride it out. Going to bed when its night time ---even if that means laying awake in bed--- will slowly help train your body to sleep at that time. *Related*
Ugh, Stirling! (and I don’t mean that in a bad way) In my opinion, it was one of the most beautiful towns I visited while completing my internship in Edinburgh. I went once with my intern group for an API excursion, and loved it so much that I had to bring my family back when they visited me in July! Each time I had the pleasure of visiting Stirling I was in awe of its quaint, hilly landscape and assortment of shops! And that’s not even including the magnificent, Stirling Castle! It sits atop the town’s winding cobblestone streets. This was the main reason for our internship program excursion, because what’s more exciting than castle hunting?!? Stirling Castle is much like Edinburgh Castle in that its interiors have been restored to reflect the way it would have looked in its prime. Unlike Edinburgh, Stirling’s grounds have a beautiful garden! There is also an outdoor pathway attached to the castle’s bordering walls that stretches almost all the way around the grounds. I could stare at the idyllic countryside, mountain ranges, and town below for hours. The castle itself offers such a beautiful vantage point. Long story short, Stirling is a great daytrip from Edinburgh, and can be easily accessed from Waverly station. There is still so much I would love to explore, but that will have to wait for another trip ;)
May 2019
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