The name's Amanda Weir. I am 22-years-old, and I --like so many fortunate people, have been diagnosed with the travel bug-- and the only cure is to keep exploring!
If you've stumbled across my blog, I am assuming that you are gravitating toward maybe, POSSIBLY, going abroad. Whether for a week's vacation or full-blown semester of studying. I am also assuming that you are a little nervous-- oops! EXCITED is the better word to use ;)
Have no fear! I will try to be of service.
If you have any direct questions about Scotland or Ireland feel free to leave a comment or email me.
Happy Travels :|)
- Amanda
If you've stumbled across my blog, I am assuming that you are gravitating toward maybe, POSSIBLY, going abroad. Whether for a week's vacation or full-blown semester of studying. I am also assuming that you are a little nervous-- oops! EXCITED is the better word to use ;)
Have no fear! I will try to be of service.
If you have any direct questions about Scotland or Ireland feel free to leave a comment or email me.
Happy Travels :|)
- Amanda